CSS, Inc.
Online Discount Stores USA

CSS, Inc., New York City - logo
Phone: 973-364-1118
440 Eagle Rock Ave.
Roseland , New Jersey  07068


  • Order at your own risk. If something is not included, they will not reship, rather tell you to file a claim with your trucker. Given you have to prepay for everything, you don't want to put yourself at risk when you have no repercussions when their warehouse screws up
  • Howard Greenspan


CSS, Inc. - Online Discount Stores USA

CSS, Inc. - Online Discount Stores USA. We are a full service closeout distributor bringing you the very best appliances at a fraction of the regular price.
C.S.S. Inc. is a national leader in closeouts, although we are NOT just closeouts anymore. We have over 25 years of experience in the closeout business. " Name Brands At Closeout Prices " is what we give our customers each and everyday.

Products & Services

  • CSS
  • Inc.Closeouts
  • Surplus
  • Savings
  • css
  • auction
  • brandname
  • name
  • brand
  • prices
  • auctions
  • closeout sales USA


Appliances | Department Stores | Factory Outlets